However 'reading' is really 'listening'. I finally got the tapes from Recorded Books. Sure do wish they were available to buy! Easily converted to digital.
Meanwhile, I finished a second listen to Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brien. Here's my review:
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I've listened to it before. It's ok. Very male. A lot about sailing vessels. Not much about the sea. Seems historically accurate.
View all my reviews
AND the most exciting news is that I am making serious arrangements to go to Florida to visit Janny Wurts. She's lured me down there with an offer to read Initiate's Trial, the next volume of The Wars of Light and Shadow, my other favorite series besides Dunnett!
Got my used hard cover volume of King Hereafter yesterday. The paper cover isn't quite pristine, but the book itself is.
Started Magician: Master to read with the Fantasy Book Club Series club, and am continuing in Gardens of the Moon, which is not compelling, but I am enjoying it more than I expected. There are people who are FANATIC about the Steven Erikson series, Malazan, Book of the Fallen. Also being read by the series club.
Meanwhile, my knee is much better. Do need to exercise to keep it that way. I need to say that as a mantra! Har. My natural resistance to exercise is a fierce thing.
My son-in-law's birthday is this weekend and we're taking him out to eat at some fancy Mexican restaurant at Blue Back Square. Yum.
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