My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Taking place in the same world as Al Rassan and the Sarantine Mosaic, the locale of this story is far north of there and a few hundred years later. A different narrator than the other Kay books I've listened to lured me to try this one in audio format. It was a good decision.
As in all of Kay's books, there are several points of view and this time it seemed easier to follow than some of his other books. The picture he paints of the land and the characters is vivid and moving. The land is undergoing changes and the raids of the Ehrlings (read Vikings) up on the Anglcan (read English) are no longer as easy as they used to be. He follows the struggles of Alun ab Owyn, Bern Thorkellson and his father Thorkel Alannson, King Aeldred and his children, and the priest Cenion as they attempt to deal with honor and loss, cultural and religious changes, and love.
There is more magic in this book than in the others I've read. Faeries and other supernatural creatures populate the landscape while the religion of Jad harshly punishes those who are able to see and communicate with the Fey.
Some extremely gory torture and killing is hard to read about or listen to, but I'm sure it's historically accurate. All in all, a very enjoyable book.
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Now if I can finish Neal Stephenson's Anathem today, I'll be in seventh heaven. It's been a long gruelling trudge through that one, but recently it's picked up. Only about 300 pages to go.
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