I no longer watch CNN because they've gotten so partisan and have idiots on as guests. Bill Bennett makes me sick, the fat slob, calling his wife 'Elaine Bennett'; and John King with his favorite pundits, James Carville and his wife Mary something or other. What a pathetic pair they are with John sucking up and blathering over them.
So after I walk the dogs and make coffee, I peruse the Huffington Post and the Washington Post and sometimes Slate. Politics is depressing these days. I'm disappointed Obama made a deal with big pharma. It's sad Ted Kennedy isn't there any more to work a healthcare bill. Bill Moyers seems to be the only one with an intelligent outlook on what needs to be done for the healthcare business. That is, make it back into 'care' and not 'business.' What a concept.
Whatsoever you have done to the least of these, my brethren, you have done unto me. These so called Christian right wingers might think about that one. Bah!
And Dick and Liz Cheney? Good God. Liz Cheney makes a baseball bat out of her words and bludgeons poor Sam Donaldson. But you gotta hand it to him, he at least stuck to his guns. George tried to change the subject but she wouldn't let him. Isn't it a sad state of affairs when someone sends their daughter out as front man? And why can't he just stand up like a man and admit he was wrong and broke the law? And let poor Scooter Libby take the fall for him. What a frakkin' coward.
I hope Obama finally comes out swinging and whether he gets it passed or not, puts up a fight for healthcare. That is if the country doesn't fall apart since it's teetering on an economic abyss.
So I have to go to work and listen to people all day. I think I have six scheduled.
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